Monday, February 2, 2009

FASHION can be selfless!

My 1st fashion memory was sticking a button up my nose when I was 3 and not being able to take it out. You ask why? Because i liked playing with my grams sewing crap. It was my hobby at 3. That's when I fell in love with Fashion.

Over the years I learned to tolerate the fact that fashion is selfish and superficial, but OH IS IT PRETTY!! What can I say you gain some you lose some.

About 2 years ago I became introduced to the selfless, non-superficial side of fashion - TOM's Shoes!!!

Those of you who know me know that I am a huge advocate and own 4 pairs of TOMs myself. YOu maybe also get special notifications encouraging you to buy TOM's yourself. But what exactly is TOM's shoes?

TOM's mission is simple: ONE FOR ONE

What exactly does that mean? Well, "for every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of shoes to a child in need. One for One. Using the purchasing power of individuals to benefit the greater good is what we're all about." (Took this straight from their website. I hope I don't get sued.

The shoes are super comfortable and relatively cheap (avr. 45$). If that is a lot to you just divide by two and pretend you're buying the other pair for someone in need and its only $22.50.

Personally, I have the travel bug and over the years, in Africa, Latin America and even my home Europe, I've seen people in poverty and need of help. I wish I could donate money ... but I am pretty broke so I do what I can and I do it though TOM's shoes. One day I dream of participating in TOM's shoe drops, but right now they are a bit too pricy.

Read up more about Blake Mycoskie, the creator of TOM's and the company, buy a shoe, get involved... go to these sites:


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